It’s a whole New Year…

So we’ve made it a whole year…hard to believe. The top pics are of Caroline & Tyler on the first day of school this past August. The bottom ones are from early January – can’t even believe how much they both have grown, especially TP! Oh my…we are in the height of the teenage years with that one. He is almost 14 going on 18 for sure. And C…well, she is just keeps on going with anything that’s handed her way. Sure we’ve all had our share of tears, tantrums, homesickness, frustrations, and heartache; but then there have been ALL the lessons and adventures behind it all…..

Last January I would have said we were deer caught in headlights…well except maybe Barry. We all took risks, jumped in with our eyes closed and hoped we landed in the right place. Luckily, that philosophy seemed to work well for us – by May we were all settled into routine with friends, activities, and our house here finally felt like “a home”. It seemed almost as soon as we were feeling comfortable Summer had quickly approached.

This Summer was one I don’t think any of us will every forget….so full of fun memories with our close friends and family. We did everything from Seattle to Sunriver to Vegas to Vintage trailer parks, and both TP & C even got in Wyldlife and zoo camp! The last week of our home leave was very emotional and tough to say the least….the time had finally come to pack up our house of 13 years and send it all to storage. As the moving truck pulled away, we did as well with 6 suitcases and 2 crates packed full of US goodies to help us through the next 9 months back in HCMC. We left with heavy hearts and some tears, but with oh so many memorable moments had with those dear to us.

I didn’t truly believe that the start of school and Fall would be as tough on some of us as it was. Caroline had her share of anxiety starting at Secondary School and missing her friends and family back home; and me…well I was just in a funk. The rainy season was upon us here – and those who know me well, know I can NOT stand the grey and rainy skies! My neck injury flared back up after a race I ran, and I hurt my back playing tennis in late September. October seemed to come and go in a fog. C & I especially missed the Fall back home and all of our usual family traditions. But, as usual we picked up our heads and made the best of everything here….T to Singapore for baseball two times; C to Phuket, Thailand for soccer, a family trip to HoiAn over Fall break, and many fun memories made here in between with new friends, and some familiar faces from Nike back home!

Needless to say, this holiday season was a bit different and challenging for all of us. Even the boys both broke down at one point in December and said “we should have gone home”. It was tough at times, but once again…our adventures along the way helped distract us all from what we were missing about home, and we’ve had some experiences here that I know will impact all of us for many years to come. I look back at this year and am amazed about all we have been through, experienced, and seen. The kids each have grown tremendously both physically and socially. We jump in…we take risks…we appreciate what we have….we keep going. Life is short. Cheers to more adventures in 2017! XOXO

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